Media coverage

Video: Youth advocating for basic income

BICYN, Canada’s basic income youth network for those under 35, just completed their first year of advocacy work and produced a video about what they have accomplished so far. If you are passionate about the need for basic income and want to join a dedicated group of young people committed to ensuring our governments hear their voices on the need for income security for youth – and everyone living in Canada – watch this video and join BICYN!

Media coverage

Video: How a basic income could change lives

Everyone deserves to put food on the table and have a safe place to call home, yet 3.2 million people in Canada live below the poverty line. A basic income costs less than poverty, and would ensure everyone has what they need to live a dignified life. Watch and share this powerful video of Leadnow members from all walks of life, sharing how a basic income would benefit them. Watch and share here….

Media coverage

Light a candle for a guaranteed livable Income

On Thursday, April 8, 12:30 p.m. local time, on the eve of the Liberal and New Democratic Party National Conventions, The United Church of Canada is inviting Canadians across the country to light a candle in support of a guaranteed livable income. Building on the heightened awareness of the importance of community health and well-being and on the demonstrated success of basic income programs, we call on our federal government to roll out a guaranteed livable income program in collaboration with the provinces, territories, and Indigenous leadership. Read more…

Artists For Basic Income

Clayton Windatt: The movement is part of my life

“Thinking about speculative design and how it can question oppression and push towards larger shifts in society forces me to reflect on my own role in social activism. I consider my proximity to an issue and make an effort to speak about relevance to me as a way of communicating relevance to others. Although design-thinking alone cannot change society, critical offerings enacted through community with great effort towards building consensus can take individual goals further than I could alone…”

Read the rest of this article on Clayton Windatt’s website

Actions Media coverage

An Act to establish a national strategy for a guaranteed basic income introduced in the House

Private Member’s Bill C-273, a National Strategy for a Guaranteed Basic Income Act, was introduced in the House of Commons on Monday, February 22, 2021 by Ontario Liberal MP Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport), seconded by PEI Liberal MP Wayne Easter (Malpeque). This Act requires the Minister of Finance to develop a national strategy to assess implementation models for a guaranteed basic income program as part of Canada’s innovation and economic growth strategy. It also provides for reporting requirements in relation to the strategy. It will now move on to second reading in House for further discussion.

UBI Works has initiated a petition to demonstrate public support for Bill C-273. Please sign and distribute widely through your networks!


Our submission to the 2021 Federal Budget Consultation

Thank you for the opportunity to bring forward our four recommendations for the 2021 budget. Coalition Canada’s recommendations are based on the research and on discussions with numerous groups and people from all walks of life across Canada.


Coalition Canada urges the federal government to:

1. Introduce a national basic income guarantee.

It should be paid monthly to residents of Canada aged 18 to 64. Other federal income transfers, such as the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors, should be adjusted to ensure fairness.

2. Design a national basic income guarantee program that delivers the greatest support to working-age adults with lowest incomes, regardless of work status.

Those with no income should receive the full benefit. As earned income increases beyond the established benefit level, the benefit should be gradually reduced by a proportion of earned income. 

3. Engage with each province and territory to harmonize the social transfer they receive as the federal government assumes responsibility for income transfers to working-age adults.

Start with the Government of Prince Edward Island, which has already requested discussions with the federal government to provide a basic income guarantee for the people of PEI. 

4.  Include Indigenous people and governments in a national basic income guarantee.

Consultation must respect the sovereignty of Indigenous governments.

Artists For Basic Income

The Writer’s Union of Canada endorsement

TWUC calls on the government to implement a Basic Income Guarantee as an economic foundation for Canada’s workers. A basic income should complement and not replace or in any way diminish existing arts support programs.

Artists For Basic Income News

Toronto Arts Council endorsement

Toronto Arts Council supports a federal Basic Income Guarantee

See the opinion piece published in The Globe and Mail, on March 20, 2021, and in La Presse on March 25. PDF of the article here


A response to BC’s report from its expert panel on basic income

As an advocate for basic income, I am disappointed that the BC Government’s expert panel on basic income did not recommend a livable basic income guarantee (BIG) that would provide income security for all people living in poverty in BC, regardless of their work status. The report unfortunately sets up a basic income as an “either/or” proposition, instead of a “yes/and” one. The panel rejects a BIG and makes 65 recommendations on how to fix existing supports and services.

Media coverage

Disappointing report from BC’s expert panel on basic income

The 500-page report was 2 years in the making. The result: The panel of three economists rejected a basic income guarantee in favour of fixing the existing hotchpotch of BC income supports and services. It make 65 recommendations on how to do this. Bottom line: It leaves many low-income adults of working age, including single parents (mostly women) and others trying to survive on welfare living in deep poverty.