Talking Points for Meetings

Advocates for a basic income have asked Coalition Canada to develop a list of talking points they can refer to when meeting with politicians, policy advisors and others to discuss the importance and need for a basic income for working-age Canadians who need it.

The talking points are divided into two sections. The first section provides answers to key questions about a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), which is also commonly known as a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG):

  • What is a Guaranteed Basic Income?
  • Why does Canada need it?
  • What are the benefits ?
  • Can Canada afford it?
  • Would cash payments to Canadians who need it cause inflation?

The second section talks about where we are now with our advocacy for Guaranteed Basic Income. Together, we have made huge inroads into getting the attention of politicians and policy advisors, as well as working on the practical aspects of implementing a GBI/BIG in Canada.