Canada’s cross-country alliance of basic income advocacy groups and networks
Federal Election 2025 Letter-Writing Request!
Please Send a Letter Asking MPs to:
- Ensure the Federal/Provincial Working Group for a PEI Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) survives the coming federal election.
- Put GBI in their Party Platforms
We need your help to ensure the funding and resources for the PEI GBI Working Group is secured for this and any future government. Please contact your MP with this request and any other MP that you feel is appropriate.
Time is of the essence.We have drafted letters for Liberal, Conservative, NDP, and Green MPs. Go to Overview of easy actions you can take right now for more details.
Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI): an evolution of our social support system, not a revolution.
Former federal MPs Wayne Easter (Liberal – PEI), Jean Crowder (NDP – BC) and Bruce Stanton (Conservative – Ontario) were members of the team that developed a proposal for a GBI benefit in PEI. Together they authored an article published in National Newswatch (July 7, 2024), where they argue for the implementation of a GBI demonstration project in PEI to address the doubts and concerns that people still have regarding the merits and affordability of a GBI benefit. They contend that a multi-year GBI program in PEI is a practical and affordable way to demonstrate that a GBI for working age Canadians is a far superior way to eliminate poverty than the myriad of targeted, often dysfunctional social assistance schemes…(read more)
A Proposal for a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) Benefit in Prince Edward Island
Coalition Canada is pleased to announce the publication of a report on the financial and political feasibility of a guaranteed basic income in Prince Edward Island.
Along with our colleagues across Canada, we believe this initiative in PEI could provide a real demonstration of the beneficial effects of a basic income on an entire provincial population.
Please read the Media Release describing the proposal and providing contact details. The report an be viewed at
A University of Toronto of interview with Kourtney Koebel provides answers to common questions about the PEI’s GBI proposal.
How would a basic income transform your life?