Media coverage

Critics of Basic Income are Misrepresenting the Facts

Wil Robertson, Steering Committee member of Coalition Canada, responded to Senator Diane Bellemare’s article in the Globe and Mail (April 27, 2022), which republished in Atlantic Canada by Huddle Today (May 2, 2022) and in several other Postmedia-owned newspapers in Atlantic Canada, including the Telegraph-Journal in New Brunswick.

In his article, Robertson argues that Bellemare raised many issues and reasons why a basic income should not be considered, but her arguments and facts reflect what many economists, topic experts, advocates, and politicians have noted are either endogenous arguments or facts that have been cherry picked and taken out of context. Read more here…


Forget’s Response to Bellemare’s Opinion sent to all Senators

Senator Kim Pate sent all her Senate colleagues a letter along with Dr. Evelyn Forget’s response to Senator Bellemare’s opinion piece (“A basic income would be an unfair, complicated and costly way to eliminate poverty” published on April 27, 2022 in the Globe and Mail).


New Basic Income Bills in the House and Senate

On December 16, 2021, Member of Parliament Leah Gazan (NDP Winnipeg Centre) introduced Private Member Bill C-223 in the House of Commons for first reading (read text here). If passed by the House, this would establish the first national framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income for all persons over 17 across Canada (watch the video here). On the same day, in solidarity and support of Bill C-233, Senator Kim Pate introduced the same bill in the Senate as Bill S-233

Media coverage

MMIWG Action Plan prioritizes guaranteed livable Income

June 8, 2021: The National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls called for a National Action Plan to be developed.  The Core Group established to develop that Plan released its first report on June 3.  The Plan identifies the implementation of a basic income guarantee as a priority.

“The presence of guaranteed livable income in the National Action Plan emphasizes the connection between economic marginalization, violence, and the ongoing legacy of colonialism in Canada,” said Senator Pate. See the Senator’s question in the Senate here.

Actions Media coverage

Petition calls for Increased access to the Canada Child Benefit

House of Commons petition e-3347, is sponsored by Ontario Liberal MP Han Dong (Don Vally North). It calls on the government “to reduce child poverty and alleviate the hardships faced by children and women in Canada by allowing all children who are residents of Canada access to Canada Child Benefit payments, irrespective of the immigration status of their parents.” Please consider signing this petition today. If 500 Canadian residents sign the petition by May 23, 2021, the government will be forced to answer the question of the MP on this issue.

Media coverage

New studies on basic income

Elaine Power, Associate Professor at Queens University just published a study on food insecurity among students at Queen’s University. A new book by Elaine Power and Jamie Swift was also released: The Case for Basic Income: Freedom, Security, Justice.

Media coverage

Video: Youth advocating for basic income

BICYN, Canada’s basic income youth network for those under 35, just completed their first year of advocacy work and produced a video about what they have accomplished so far. If you are passionate about the need for basic income and want to join a dedicated group of young people committed to ensuring our governments hear their voices on the need for income security for youth – and everyone living in Canada – watch this video and join BICYN!

Media coverage

Video: How a basic income could change lives

Everyone deserves to put food on the table and have a safe place to call home, yet 3.2 million people in Canada live below the poverty line. A basic income costs less than poverty, and would ensure everyone has what they need to live a dignified life. Watch and share this powerful video of Leadnow members from all walks of life, sharing how a basic income would benefit them. Watch and share here….

Media coverage

Light a candle for a guaranteed livable Income

On Thursday, April 8, 12:30 p.m. local time, on the eve of the Liberal and New Democratic Party National Conventions, The United Church of Canada is inviting Canadians across the country to light a candle in support of a guaranteed livable income. Building on the heightened awareness of the importance of community health and well-being and on the demonstrated success of basic income programs, we call on our federal government to roll out a guaranteed livable income program in collaboration with the provinces, territories, and Indigenous leadership. Read more…

Actions Media coverage

An Act to establish a national strategy for a guaranteed basic income introduced in the House

Private Member’s Bill C-273, a National Strategy for a Guaranteed Basic Income Act, was introduced in the House of Commons on Monday, February 22, 2021 by Ontario Liberal MP Julie Dzerowicz (Davenport), seconded by PEI Liberal MP Wayne Easter (Malpeque). This Act requires the Minister of Finance to develop a national strategy to assess implementation models for a guaranteed basic income program as part of Canada’s innovation and economic growth strategy. It also provides for reporting requirements in relation to the strategy. It will now move on to second reading in House for further discussion.

UBI Works has initiated a petition to demonstrate public support for Bill C-273. Please sign and distribute widely through your networks!