The Senate – 9 Dec, 2020: Using a rare procedural step to oppose the second reading of Bill C-17, an Act granting money for federal public administration to the end of March 2021, Senator Kim Pate made a stunning speech in the Senate Chamber. Despite promises from the federal government, 3.5 million Canadians living below the poverty line continue to be excluded from income support programs like CERB and enhancements to EI, because the government says “not yet” to those living in deepest poverty. Read or watch this brilliant and impactful speech here.
Author: Coalition Canada
Charlottetown – The Guardian (10 Dec, 2020): PEI’s Report from the all-party Special Committee on Poverty recommended implementing a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) in PEI as a test case for all of Canada – but it also included a backup plan if the federal government declines to partner with PEI to deliver a province-wide program. Plan B is another pilot reaching one-tenth of the people who need a basic income in PEI. BIG advocates say no to Plan B.
Pope Frances calls for UBI
The Guardian (24 Nov, 2020): In his new book due out this December, Let Us Dream: the Path to a Better Future, Pope Francis speaks of the economic, social and political changes he says are needed to address inequalities after the pandemic ends. “Recognizing the value to society of the work of non-earners is a vital part of our rethinking in the post-Covid world… By providing a universal basic income, we can free and enable people to work for the community in a dignified way…” he said.
The Pope also criticized trickle-down economics, the theory that tax breaks and other incentives for big business and the wealthy eventually will benefit the rest of society through investment and job creation. He called it “the false assumption of the infamous trickle-down theory that a growing economy will make us all richer”.

Interview: Artpreneur keynote Zainub Verjee on a basic income guarantee for Canadian creatives
Here is an excerpt of the article published in the Ottawa news website by Ryan Pepper on November 19, 2020
“It’s no secret that the arts sector is in a crisis. COVID-19 restrictions closed venues and institutions in March and many still haven’t reopened—and many, some in Ottawa, won’t open again. This month’s annual Artpreneur conference is dedicating three days to the disruptions in Ottawa’s creative sector. But instead of mourning the loss of venues, incomes, and livelihoods, the conference is looking to the future for sustainable, lasting solutions.
“One of the buzzy proposals is a Basic Income Guarantee (B.I.G.), which gained popularity after the successful rollout of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). The idea now has wide, cross-partisan support…”

This video celebrates and shares performances, speeches and calls to action by and from politicians, artists and concerned Toronto residents. The Time for Basic Income is NOW.
This video features performances and statements by:
- Multidisciplinary artists Craig Berggold: 00:00
- Musician Rachael Cardiello: 04:32
- Politician and activist Leah Gazan: 10:32
- Artist Jessie Golem (Humans of Basic Income): 15:30
- Poet and professor George Elliott Clarke: 23:38
- Politician and author Rima Berns-McGown: 26:58
- Musician Amy The Coda: 29:02
- Politician and activist Dr. Jill Andrew: 32:29
- Cultural worker Philip Zave: 35:09
- Musician Tara Kannangara: 37:53
Created by the Toronto Artists for Basic Income group.

Carfac Webinar Series
Universal Basic Income webinar, on September 16 at 2pm Eastern Standard Time, organized by CARFAC.
What is Universal Basic Income? Why is it important to artists? How would UBI work in Canada?
Join independent artists Adrian Stimson and Craig Berggold, and Sheila Regehr from Basic Income Canada Network for a discussion about how Canadians would benefit from UBI as a social safety net during uncertain times. The discussion will be moderated by artist Sydney Lancaster.
The Toronto Star (September 15, 2020)
A coalition of nearly 4,000 individuals and organizations is calling on the federal government to implement a guaranteed basic income to address the systemic gender inequities exposed and intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

An online talk organized by Basic Income Calgary and OBIN with the help of Enough for all.

Why the Entire Art World Should Back Canadian Arts Workers’ Push for Universal Basic Income
On Thursday, a coalition of more than 300 Canadian artists, arts workers, and institutions publicly released a letter addressed to prime minister Justin Trudeau and other high-ranking officials urging the creation of a permanent basic-income guarantee nationwide.
Read the whole article:

“Canadian artists, writers, performers call for national basic income”
CBC, The Canadian Press, Entertainment, Jul 17, 2020.