Artists For Basic Income Media coverage

Freelancer’s Basic Income webinar

Nov 3 @7pm EST : “Should Freelancers Advocate for Universal Basic Income”
A webinar hosted by the Canadian Freelance Union/Syndicat canadien des pigistes

Nov 3 @7pm EST

Should Freelancers Advocate for Universal Basic Income

A webinar hosted by :
Canadian Freelance Union/Syndicat canadien des pigistes

Please register here: 

The Canadian Freelance Union wants to know: Should Freelancers Advocate for Universal Basic Income? Listen to what our panelists have to say about the issue by registering now!

This webinar hosted by the Canadian Freelance Union will explore what Basic Income may mean to freelancers in the arts, including the unions of artists, writers, technicians, and performers, as well as from a labour perspective. We might also examine what it should take to achieve and what its impact might be.

Facebook Live event


The onset of the pandemic, and workers facing unprecedented levels of unemployment and loss of income, has renewed debates in Canada about whether a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a social program we should be fighting for.

Proponents of UBI see it as a way to reduce poverty and create a safety net for all Canadians.

Others argue that UBI doesn’t deal with the structural problems facing workers, and could actually be harmful and lead to a commodified form of social services, forcing workers to become shoppers of services in the private market.

This webinar will explore what Basic Income may mean to freelancers in the Arts, including the unions of artists, writers, technicians, and performers, as well as from a labour perspective. We will also examine what it would take to achieve and what its impact might be. 


Hosted by

Aminah Sheikh, labour organizer.
Paula Kirman, CFU Prairie Regional Director.

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