
Basic Income NL
Basic Income NL has released a White Paper! A Basic Income for Newfoundland and Labrador: Opportunities, Options and Analysis
Read the White Paper, become a signatory and attend the Summit – Basic Income: New Policies for a New World – on Zoom September 29, 2022 .

Food First NL
Food First NL works with communities in Newfoundland & Labrador to ensure everyone has access to affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food.
We are a provincial, non-profit organization that collaborates with a network of 300 like-minded organizations and individuals to improve food security in NL.

Social Justice Cooperative NL
The Social Justice Cooperative Newfoundland and Labrador (SJC) is a volunteer-led, member-owned, non-profit Cooperative. We believe in the power of grassroots organizing and our mandate is to help initiate, build, support and grow organizations, networks, coalitions and movements that take action towards social and environmental justice