Basic Income BC

Basic Income BC joins the many Canadian basic income networks advocating for a basic income guarantee for every low-income working-age adult who needs it, regardless of work status.
Livable Income Vancouver
Livable Income Vancouver is a women-led group of volunteers in Vancouver, BC bringing the voices of the feminist, racial equality, and anti-poverty movements to the campaign for Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI), an income guaranteed to all set at a rate that meets the cost of living.
Latest news
- How a Basic Income Could Save Lives in a PandemicVictoria – The Tyee (Jan 07, 2021): Emergency benefits showed the value of ensuring all Canadians are guaranteed enough money to meet basic needs. A basic income program could have saved lives and reduced COVID-19 transmission when the pandemic struck last spring, says Evelyn Forget, economist and professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences […]
- ‘Here’s who needs support’‘Here’s who lost jobs in the pandemic, and who needs support’ By Iglika Ivanova The Tyee (July 17, 2020) The COVID-19 crisis has caused unprecedented job losses across Canada, and B.C. has not been spared. Between February and May almost 590,000 B.C. workers lost their jobs or more than half their hours — 23 per […]
- Livable Income Vancouver PodcastLivable Income Vancouvrer recently released a podcast on guaranteed livable income. You can now listen to the episodes on ITunes or Spotify.
- Principles of a Guaranteed Livable IncomeA guaranteed livable income would prevent people from having their lives shortened and made miserable from poverty and poverty-related ill health. – C.A. L’Hirondelle, Livable4All A women-led group of volunteers in Vancouver, BC bringing the voices of the feminist, racial equality, and anti-poverty movements to the campaign for Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI), an income guaranteed to […]
- Townhall in VancouverTownhall on Guaranteed Livable Income Images from the Townhall that was co-hosted with Don Davies and Jenny Kwan in 2018.