Campaign for a Guaranteed Basic Income – a GBI for PEI

We need your help to ensure the Federal/PEI GBI Working Group survives the coming federal election

We need your help to ensure the funding and resources for this Federal/PEI GBI Working Group is secured for this and any future government. Please contact your MP with this request and any other MP that you feel is appropriate. 

Please Send a letter asking MPs to:

  1. Ensure the Federal/Provincial Working Group for a PEI Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) survives the coming federal election.
  2. Put GBI in their Party Platforms 

Time is of the essence.

Personalized emails work better than form letters. For example, start by introducing yourself and let them know you live in their riding. Also, please add sentence or two about why a Guaranteed Basic Income and this Demonstration Project in PEI is important to you.

If you don’t hear from them in a timely manner, follow up with another email and then a phone call to their constituency office. If they do respond to you, please remember to send them a word of thanks for their attention to this important issue.

Write a Letter to the Editor or post an urgent message on all social media platforms

The draft letters can also be used to provide ideas to help you write a letter to your local newspaper, or to post your urgent message to ensure the Federal Provincial working Group survives the 2025 federal election on all your social media platforms.